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Become A Freeport Speech Supporter

If you'd like to become a sponsor of Free(port) Speech events, please reach out to us at


We rely on our Season Supporters to bring you our extraordinary Freeport Speech speaker series. We have three levels of support: 

  1. Season Supporters: $500.00
    This is our largest group and our broadest base. This provides support to
    our operations.

  2. Community Season Supporters: $1,000.00
    Individuals, couples, and local businesses and organizations who want to specially support our efforts to "give back" to the community.

  3. Lead Sponsors: $2,500.00–$5,000.00
    Those who want to both support help us call out attention to a specific
    event and "give back" to the community through that event.


As a 501(c)(3), all contributions to Freeport Speech are fully tax deductible (TIN 87-3078591).


If you'd like to become a sponsor of Freeport Speech events, please reach out to us at

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